Child Adoption in Nepal

Child Adoption in Nepal is legally assured by law. Adoption a boy and girl legally to make their life happy to anyone interested person can assist by our company.

Adoption is also assured in our company code (Muluki Ain). Which legally provide to adopt children inter and intra Nepal. Legal Zoom and Research assists those families who have planning to adopt boy and girl to make their life happy. In Nepal only some professional lawyers have ample of idea regarding the adoption and it’s competed procedure.

Adoption from Nepal is usual and easy in the international arena. Preparing the dossier, proceeding in ministry, and other key stakeholders is lengthy and technical. Many western countries have been involving in adoption from Nepal. They feel happier to adopt the children from Nepal because of uniqueness, geographical structure of Nepal, and peculiar and typical culture of Nepal.

Nepalese legislation has ensured that of adoption by the family who has not any children. Act says that only boy (son) can adopt who have only girls (daughter) in their family. Likewise, Only Girl (daughter) can adopt who has only son (boy). If anybody has own daughter and son, he/she can’t adopt the boy and daughter. Adoption Law in Nepal is your guidelines to adopt the boy/girl from Nepal.

The provision of Muluki Ain regarding Child  Adoption in Nepal

  • A person except one who has his or her son or daughter may adopt a son or a daughter by executing a deed to that effect.
  • Provided that, a person who has got a son and a person who has got a daughter shall not be entitled to adopted a son and daughter, respectively.
  • One who is once adopted as an adopted son or adopted daughter shall not be readopted as a son or daughter. Such adoption, if any, shall be void.

The criteria to adopt children from Nepal

  • The age difference between adopting mother and adopted children should be minimum 30 years
  • A person except one who has his or her son or daughter may adopt a son or a daughter by executing a deed to that effect.
  • Provided that, a person who has got a son and a person who has got a daughter shall not be entitled to adopted a son and daughter, respectively.
  • The country of the applicant should have provision of adoption that will legal and capable to exercise right and duties assure by the country law

The following document are needed to apply the file for adoption in Nepal

  • Detail CV of the adopting mother/father
  • Health report of adopting Mother and Father
  • Birth certificate of adopting mother and father
  • Consent letter of related country
  • Guarantee letter of related Embassy
  • Letter of income source
  • No criminal letter
  • Copy of passport
  • 8/8 copy of photograph of both adopting mother and father etc.

Inter-country adoption in Nepal

If you are trying to explore experienced lawyers for inter country adoption, international adoption and domestic adoption in Nepal, Nepal will be the best country for you and we legalzoom and Research Nepal will be the best assistant/lawyer/facilitator to make your dream true. We have long experience in international and domestic adoption in Nepal.

Nepal is not the party of Hague convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of inters country adoption.  Even thought domestic and international adoption in Nepal is available as well as has been practiced by citizen of American and European Union countries as well as Asian countries since long before.

We have experienced of international adoption since 2003, especially for Spanish, American, British, Slovakian, Italian, Germany, etc. We can provide the inter-country adoption to all those families who is interested to adopt a child from Nepal. The family who have not any child or who is not capable to born new baby can apply for the adoption. Likewise, if you have biologically birth girl you are not capable to adopt another girl but you can adopt the boy baby. Same will happen in the boy cases.


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