Are you looking for child adoption idea from Nepal or want to know how to adopt a child legally in Nepal. This article gives you an tips about the legal process and necessary steps to adopt a child in Nepal.
Is it possible to adopt a child legally?
Yes, it is possible to adopt child from Nepal. Normally you can adopt child from Nepal Bal Mandir, and private homes lies in all over Nepal.
Do adoption procedure in Nepal is different than other countries?
Normally, adoption process in Nepal is simple and easy then other countries in the world. The adoption laws are supportive for the adopting families. It gives the complete guideline for the adoption. If you are interested to understand the adoption law in Nepal please refer our article on ADOPTION RULES IN NEPAL and the other related laws.
What is the maximum and minimum age for the adoptive parents ?
The adoptive parents are not bounded by age limits but normally the age gap/difference between adoptive mother and child must be 30 years. In minimum the adoptive mother age must have 31 and maximum age is not more then 65. In general the aged people can’t care the children and can’t secure the right of the children. The discretionary right is given to the related child home and court. Nepalese adoption law is silence about the age but it stated that the age between the mother and child must not less than 30.
Can I adopt boy/girl if I already have a child?
The Nepalese law allow you to adopt child if you have already child. But you have follow the rule of adoption law. According to the Nepalese law you can adopt a girl child if you already have a boy with you and you can adopt the boy child if you already have girl child but you can adopt boy if you already have boy and same to the girl adoption case.
Is the income certificate needed to adopting from Nepal?
Yes, your economic status would play important role. The income status will show whether you can care the child or not or what are the basis that you can adopt the child and protect them well. Normally Nepalese law requires the income certificate.
What are the rights of the adoptive child ? is it similar to biological child?
Under the Nepalese law, the adoptive child will get all right that is ensure by law and the child get the same right that will get the biological child. But the adoptive parents may divorce with adoptive child if he/she didn’t follow the law and give the parents unlawful threaten and pressure.
Can a single/divorced women adopt the child?
Yes, she can adopt the child from Nepal if she is single/divorced but adoption law must follow through the adoption. She can adopt son or daughter whatever she is interested.
What is domestic adoption and what is the international adoption?
If any Nepalese citizen needs to adopt the child from Nepal that is called domestic adoption and if any foreigner is need to adopt the child from Nepal that is called international adoption.
How much money should I pay for the adoption process in the domestic adoption?
For the domestic adoption you need not pay more money. Generally it depends on the child home. If you adopt from the Nepal Bal Mandir you have to donate the Balmandir. If you adopt child from private home they will charge differently but that is not service charge but the donation to the home for the care of other children.
How much money should I pay for the adoption process in the international adoption?
In the case of international adoption from Nepal you have to pay money around $11000/- (Eleven Thousand only). You have to pay to the ministry and child home and for lawyers charge.
How long time is necessary to complete the adoption process in Nepal?
Normally, three month is needed to complete the process. In the domestic adoption it will take only 15 days to one month and in the international adoption it will take 3 months to 3 and half months to complete the process.